Newest by Tanya McDonald

Thank you to everyone who has already submitted haiku/senryu to Kingfisher during this submission period. For those of you who read my previous post, I am delighted to announce that my new niece was born in the wee hours of this morning. Mama, Mommy, and baby are all doing fine, if a bit sleep-deprived. And my two-and-a-half-year-old nephew survived his first overnight with Auntie Tanya, so all is well, if a bit chaotic.

When I’m not auntying, I am very happily receiving, reading, and responding to submissions for Kingfisher, so keep them coming! Nudge your friends, remind your haiku group, and if you haven’t already, please send me your own haiku and senryu of subtle brilliance: The deadline is August 31! I’m excited about the poems I’m selecting for issue 6 and I look forward to sharing them with you when the issue is published in late October. In the meantime, I hope you’re enjoying your summer (or winter, depending on your hemisphere). Be well and write lots!

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